Sunday, April 20, 2008


Start out by roasting garlic in the microwave, squeezing the pulp
out and spinning it in the blender with a little oil.
Then add water and some blue food coloring, and put the concoction in the
fertilizer dispenser that hooks to the hose.(the color was so you know when it was done dispensing)
Mixing garlic powder with water works just as well and is less trouble.
Just spray it all over the grass, vegetation and everything.
It will be effective immediately and the smell does go away quickly.
It lasts for me about 2 weeks or until we have a hard rain.
The stuff is pure magic. It also keeps the gnats and "no see 'ems" away, and even deters the yellowflies.
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COMFREY TEA FOR DOG SKIN ALLERGIES - Cook a mess Comfry Geens, dilute the cool pot liquid down to iced tea color, and pour into the dog's fur.
It's VERY POWERFUL so don't use more than ONCE A MONTH and ONLY when needed.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cookie Sings For The Troops Christmas 2007

Cookie Sang for The Troops in the 2007 Christmas Dedications Concert held on in the music room of Concert For The Troops.
2007 Online Christmas Tribute Concert For The Troops
Date USA Saturday 22nd December 2007 AUS Sunday 23rd December 2007

Time 8pm EST 12pm-Noon- Lunch Time NSW
Room Name is "Concert For The Troops"
Room URL
Why not become a member of the room to be notified of all concerts for the troops.
The troops show is to be Radio Broadcasted on the following Radio Stations
Bob Radio Station

ASI Internet Broadcasting

All Copyrights were in affect from date of the website creation,from date of room creation and from date of actual recordings.
Please read attached website for more details
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Pay It Forward,Good Deeds,Act Of Kindness

Pay it forward
Tammy's Pay It Forward to Lu-the reason and why the video was made has come from the heart.Thank you so very much Tammy.
Please take a look at the pay it forward website that was created for the upcoming pay it forward room coming soon on for the date of USA Thursday 20th September at 8pm EST and AUS Friday 21st September 10am EST
Hope to see you there soon
Heart Of Hush
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SlvrEagle Sings

SlvrEagle Sings a Vince Gill Song, Whenever You Come Around. Sit back, Listen & Enjoy.
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Pay It Forward,Good Deeds,Act Of Kindness

Pay it forward
Tammy's Pay It Forward to Lu-the reason and why the video was made has come from the heart.Thank you so very much Tammy.
Please take a look at the pay it forward website that was created for the upcoming pay it forward room coming soon on for the date of USA Thursday 20th September at 8pm EST and AUS Friday 21st September 10am EST
Hope to see you there soon
Heart Of Hush
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Aussie Living Simply

we welcome you to our back to basics home for Simple Living.We are a friendly community focused on sustainability, permaculture, organic gardening, backyard livestock, simple living and stepping lightly on the planet. If you’re interested in a simple sustainable lifestyle then you’re in the right place; there are fellow travellers here.
Among the many benefits of membership you’ll get a photo gallery where you can load your own photos and commentary. There is a lively forum with many valuable and thought-provoking posts about backyard livestock, permaculture, food production and simple living. There is a seed and plant exchange, members’ discounts for seeds, bare-rooted plants, organic produce, native trees and plants. You’ll also find a treasure chest of homemade recipes, information on how to make natural cleansers, soap, laundry detergent and rinse aids.
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